A. E. Douglass 

A.E. Douglass is often referred to as the “Father of Dendrochronology.” He developed the science of dendrochronology, which involves dating events and environmental changes by examining patterns in tree rings. This method is particularly useful for dating archaeological and geological samples.

In the early 20th century, Douglass began studying the growth rings of trees in the American Southwest, particularly in the arid regions of Arizona and New Mexico. He discovered that tree rings could be used to determine not only the age of the tree but also past climate conditions, such as droughts and wet periods. This breakthrough led to the development of tree-ring dating as a precise dating method.

Douglass developed the technique of “cross-dating,” which involves matching the tree ring patterns of different trees to create a master chronology. By comparing overlapping tree ring patterns from living and archaeological samples, he could establish precise dates for historical events and structures.

Dendrochronology has been applied to a wide range of fields, including archaeology, climatology, and environmental science. It has been used to date ancient structures, study climate history, and understand past environmental changes.In 1937, Douglass founded the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research at the University of Arizona, which remains a leading institution in the field of dendrochronology. The laboratory has contributed significantly to the advancement of tree-ring dating methods and research.

Everything I do is me. I don’t like taking ideas from people unless they’re the G.O.A.T.

A Boogie wit da Hoodie

A.E. Douglass’s work in dendrochronology revolutionized the dating of archaeological sites and the understanding of past climate variations. His contributions have had a lasting impact on multiple scientific disciplines and continue to be influential in the study of history and the environment.

Overall, A.E. Douglass is celebrated for his groundbreaking research and the development of dendrochronology as a valuable tool for dating and understanding historical and environmental events.

James Bomb Music Video from Henrik von der Lieth on Vimeo.

A.E. Douglass, primarily known for his scientific contributions in dendrochronology, may not be widely recognized for his quotes or philosophical statements.


American – Astronomer 

A.E. Douglass, whose full name is Andrew Ellicott Douglass, was an American astronomer and archaeologist best known for his pioneering work in dendrochronology, the study of tree rings. He was born on July 5, 1867, in Windsor, Vermont, and passed away on March 20, 1962.


Andrew Ellicott Douglass


July 5, 1867

Died March 20, 1962

July 5, 1867

Died March 20, 1962

Andrew Ellicott Douglass
